In 2011, the voting went Bunk Bar, Beaker & Flask, and Slow Bar. This year the order has changed a bit, as Interuban has shaken things up. As Tanuki has been moving around over the past year, this is a good showing for them.
Out of 952 votes:
1. Beaker & Flask – 7.3% of the vote. 727 Southeast Washington Street Portland, OR 97214 Map (503) 235-8180
2. Interurban – 5.7% 4057 North Mississippi Ave., Portland, OR 97227 Map (503) 284-6669
3. Bunk Bar – 3.8% 1028 Southeast Water Avenue #130 Portland, OR 97214 Map (503) 894-9708
4. Slow Bar – 2.7% 533 Southeast Grand Avenue Portland, OR 97214 Map (503) 230-7767
5. Bar Avignon – 2.5% 2138 SE Division St., Portland OR 97201 Map (503) 517-0808
6. Bridgeport Brew Pub – 2.4% 1313 NW Marshall St., Portland OR. 97219 Map (503) 241-3612
7. Rum Club – 2.3% 720 SE Sandy Blvd., Portland, OR 97214 Map
8. Grain & Gristle – 2.2% 1473 Northeast Prescott Street Portland, OR 97211 Map (503) 298-5007
9. Tanuki – 2.1% 8029 Southeast Stark Street Portland, OR 97215 Map (503) 477-6030
My favorites in this category are Tanuki, Beaker & Flask, and Interuban, although the only one I’m really not a fan of is Bridgeport.
You can see all the Reader Survey 2012 winners here
View Best Bar Food in Portland Oregon in a larger map
Man-o-steele says
Second the Bridgeport note–not worth the time to walk in the door.
jakki says
Bridgeport?? Really?? The list is losing it’s cred……maybe this should be a “juried selection”…. :-)…pick your favorite fellow food dudes and dudettes and we will let you all vote and publish….
Food Dude says
I think one choice that garnered 2.4% out of almost 1000 votes is hardly an issue. The others are all good. The yearly survey is supposed to reflect the opinions of a variety of people who tend to be somewhat food oriented. It’s food, all subject to opinion – I’m not going to be such a snob as to say anyone is wrong, just that it wouldn’t have been my choice.
pdxyogi says
Ah yes, the inevitable “the voters are stupid/bad/wrong/have shitty taste” grousing has begun!
fsad800 says
Well, I’m not going to claim that the food at Bridgeport is equal to the terrific grub at Beaker and flask, but it is consistently good – mainly organic, local ingredients, and VERY affordable, with nice portions. Just really good pub fare. I don’t think it deserves the hate.
Jason says
Well, when you stack up the offerings at the vast majority of the brewpubs in town, what Bridgeport puts out isn’t that bad—and their HH offerings, while not being gourmet fodder, aren’t exactly terrible. The best bar food in town? Certainly not, but understand why people would vote for them.
darryl says
Maybe you just need separate categories next year ‘Best Food at a Brewpub’ and ‘Best Food at a Cocktail-focused Bar’
Tommy says
It’s hard for me to really think of most of these place as “bars.” They’re more like restaurant/bar hybrids, really more cafés than anything. But I’m pissing and moaning about semantics, enough of that… Definitely agree with Beaker & Flask, Avignon and Slow Bar, while Interurban and Bunk Bar have yet to really grow on me. Haven’t eaten at Rum Club yet, but I’ve been impressed with the cocktails I’ve had there.
PtH says
Wow…. a category I see no need to froth at the mouth in disagreement about :-)
I’d add Victory (save for a recent trip where the food was literally not edible, but it had to have been an off night since it’s always been just great).
And I’d add Spints for sure.
And I’d leave off Rum Club as a food destination (bar or otherwise). But all in, great list people! :-D
PtH says
Strike that….. Bridgeport? I that a joke? :-/
Kimmie says
Including Beaker & Flask here requires the loosest possible definition of “bar food”. This is a cocktail lounge with $18 entrees; sorry, “large plates”. Do not go if you’re looking for a beer and “grub”, Green Dragon is just a few blocks away with 50 beers on tap and plenty of quality food at reasonable prices.