Jamie Dunn at the Gilt Club has announced the restaurant has closed. The restaurant known for its warm, clubby interior opened in 2005.
On a notice posted in the window, he says,
“After 8.5 years, we’ve decided to quietly call it quits. We’ll miss all the friends we’ve made, but are excited for the future! We appreciate all your past support and apologize for any inconvenience.”
In an email, Jamie went into more detail:
No real story. I’m going to be a stay at home dad for my 2-year-old while I have this opportunity then go to a new career that offers more stability for my family. Don’t be sad. I’m happy with what I did here. 9 years is a long time for a restaurant and 2014 marks 20 years as a restaurant owner for me. The staff all got 2 weeks notice and all the vendors are paid.
Jamie Dunn has always seemed like a good guy to me. I wish him and his staff the best of luck.
Blanchjoe says
The Gilt Club was a Home Away From Home for a significant number of the Artists, Graphic Artists, and Fashion Designers living in the Everett Station Artist Lofts. One of Portland’s Best kept secrets, both in its cuisine, and a leader in the emerging field of Cocktail-ology, that has originated in the West Coast in the last decade. Brilliant in the design of its interior decor, and in the choice of staff, this is a “scene” that will be sorely missed, and not easily replaced. 01/28/2014