The Country Cat Restaurant to Close August 4th

The Country Cat is the next on the list of restaurants closing this summer. Not many details are available; this post from Facebook is all we know:
To our families, our friends, our colleagues, and to our customers:
The Country Cat on SE Stark Street will be closing its doors on August 4, 2019 after our Brunch service. Come join us in these last days as we wind down and bid adieu.The Country Cat opened its doors in 2007 on the corner of SE 80th and Stark in the Montavilla neighborhood. We’ve seen babies born, proposals happen, weddings planned, birthdays celebrated, kids go off to college, fun-filled gatherings of families and friends, 12 Thanksgiving services, helped cure many a New Year’s Eve indulgence, fund-raised for family safety, cancer, and our schools. And, most importantly, we’ve been part of an amazing community. You’ve opened your arms to us and we’ve embraced it all. Our legacy of past and present staff have helped build, mold, and create the soul of The Cat. Words cannot express our love, gratitude, and bond that we will forever have together.
The location at PDX will remain open. :)
For inquiries please contact:
I’m somewhat surprised by the closings this year. Not that restaurants are closing – I think the market is way over-saturated (pizza anyone?), and all the shiny new restaurants are taking a large share of fickle diners from established places, but it seemed to me that stalwarts with a big fan base like Autentica and The Country Cat would survive.
The Sappington’s appeared to do everything right. From their opening the food was just fine and it got even better as time went by. Adam butchered whole hogs and made a big deal out of using quality products. They were family friendly, and were able to get lots of attention from newspapers, television shows and even Guy Fieri did an episode about the restaurant and in 2010 the restaurant made USA Today’s “51 Great Burger Joints” list. But apparently that wasn’t enough, and I wonder if the closure doesn’t have something to do with their recent expansion – the Sappington’s purchased both branches of Prasad along with Harlow Cafe, and opened a Country Cat branch at Portland Airport in 2014 (all of which appear to be remaining open).
I liked The Country Cat, and am sad to see it closing. Get there by August 4th and say goodbye.
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