We are coming towards the end of the survey results, but there are still a few left. Among them, Best Vegetarian Restaurant. I’m not particularly interested in vegetarian restaurants, but there are lots of people in Portland who find this an important question, as well as restaurants that work their tails off to make them happy. In previous years, the results were split among many restaurants, and no single one got a huge number of votes. As you’ll see below, that is not the case for 2012! The percentages dropped drastically after number three. I must say that after looking at the photos on the Natural Selection website, I will be giving it a try!
450 votes cast:
1. Natural Selection – 35% of the vote. 3033 NE Alberta St. Portland, OR 97211 Map (503) 288-5883
2. Blossoming Lotus – 14% 1711 Northeast 15th Avenue Portland, OR 97212 Map (503) 228-0048
3. Portobello – 11% 1125 SE Division Portland, OR 97214 Map (503) 754-5993
4. The Farm Cafe – 6% 10 Southeast 7th Avenue Portland, OR 97214 Map (503) 736-3276
5. Sweet Hearafter – 3226 SE Belmont St., Portland OR 97214 Map
Other choices – Bye and Bye, Vita Cafe and Proper Eats
You can see all of the 2012 Reader Survey awards here
View Reader Survey 2012: Best Vegetarian Restaurant in Portland in a larger map
PDX2CDG says
Wow…this is great to know. Thanks, can’t wait to try the #1….been to Blossoming Lotus several times…..love the picture. Thanks!
mel poplock says
I am also a vegan.
Blossoming Lotus has best Sunday brunch in PDX.
Natural Selection best dinners.
Bye & Bye best bar food & drink.
Jill-O says
I am not a vegan, but I have had some really bad food at Blossoming Lotus. It also does not thrill me that a lot of their menu is composed around various fake meat options.
Prasad, on the other hand, has never disappointed me. I love their salads and other offerings, and appreciate their attention to detail when composing their plates.
definitely-vegan says
Fake meat at blo lo???
I suppose to an uninformed omni, tofu, tempeh, and seitan might seem fake. If thousands of years of tradition can possibly be fake.
Laura says
wow, snobby.
CPJC says
I’ve had some outstanding meals at Blossoming Lotus – even my meat eating friends have enjoyed it (I’m a meat eater too). I guess I would also completely disagree with Jill-O’s statement about lots of fake-meat substitutes on their menu. I like Blossoming Lotus for the exact opposite reason – the relative absence of protein-concoctions. There are maybe 2-dishes at any one time that can come with “soy-curls” and usually a tofu stir-fry. But rarely does tempeh or seitan appear on their menu. I like tempeh but seitan isn’t a favorite of mine. Any more I typically order their daily special – they are pretty consistently stellar.
Prasad is good – but it has much simpler ambitions than Blossoming Lotus. It’s a lunch spot where the menu doesn’t change too much. I haven’t been as impressed with their daily specials when I’ve ventured off my usual bowl or salad.
elizabeth miller says
You are confused. BloLo doesn’t do any fake meat.
jimmy free says
I’m confused too cause Blossoming Lotus has served me fake meat before. It was tuff and nasty. This giant pink piece of rubber was trying to be a thick chunk of ham but it tasted terrible. The whole meal that Sunday afternoon was bad and I returned the barely touched plate, walked out and have yet to return.
Another problem with BL is that if you order green juice they list kale as one of the ingredients. The juice comes out suspiciously bland and curiously non green. (I have made hundreds of green juices) and when asked they confess that they are not using kale leaves but kale stems!! Lol! Like there’s any nutritional value (chlorophyll or vitamins and minerals) or flavor in the stem.
Kate says
I agree with the comments about Blossoming Lotus’s food being just okay and Prasad (and now, Harlow’s on Hawthorne) being considerably better. I also think Portobello’s food just okay. While I appreciate their effort at more upscale vegan food, many dishes are bland and lack texture. One of the best vegan and gluten free breakfasts in Portland, in my opinion, is an off-menu item LePetit Provence on NE Alberta makes: a mixed vegetable dish (asparagus, red pepper, spinach, mushrooms, butternut squash) and extra-crispy hash browns. Again, you have to ask for it (list the ingredients I just provided to ensure you get this dish as the chefs vary from shift to shift).
Food Dude says
It’s on my list!