Looking back, I could have set up the way I posted the food writing entries better. I should have made the entries shorter, and should have combined them all in one page. Posting them again would not be appreciated by Google. What to do, what to do! Then it struck me. As some of you know, I’ve been busy writing an entirely new format for PortlandFoodandDrink.com. It is still very rough, and not ready for public consumption, but there was no reason I couldn’t set it up for the voting on the contest. So go over to BestofBridgetown.com – that’s the test site and you’ll get to check out the new look. Each story is displayed as a post. At the bottom of each post, you’ll see five stars. If you could go through each story and click on the stars to rate the story, me and the authors would appreciate your time. Remember, we have some great prizes which will be determined by reader votes –
- Michael Alberty of Storyteller Wine Company is donating two bottles of wine.
- Chris Angelus of Portland Food Adventures and Right at the Fork podcast is donating two seats for a dinner/demo experience on March 6th by Kat LeSueur – Cocotte on March 6th, to be held at the JENN-AIR kitchen at Standard TV & Appliance in Beaverton.
- Renee Gorham is offering up a $50 gift certificate to Toro Bravo, $50 to Tasty n Tasty (good at either Sons or Alder) AND a Toro Bravo Cookbook
The voting will close on Monday, so as you get spare time to read your way through, don’t forget to vote!
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