So, a guy walks into a bar, and _________. While you can fill in the blank with any number of amnesiacs asking, "Do I come here often?" and baby seals ordering "anything but a Canadian Club," perhaps only once has the punch-line been, "walks out with the bartender's job." Dave Machado gets to tell the joke. Beginning at the bottom more than twenty years and half as many … [Read more...] about Interview: Dave Machado
Food Writing Archive
This category could be about anything having to do with food: Food Haiku, Limericks, Contests, Essays, Trips down memory line, musings about life... whatever strikes my fancy, and doesn't fit into the other categories
Restaurant Customer Etiquette
By Ken ColluraIntroduction: I work the floor as a sommelier/manager in a busy restaurant five nights a week and try to dine out on at least one of my days off, so I’ve written this piece from the perspective of someone who has been an active participant on both sides of the table for many years. There are ways a customer can assist a restaurant in making their evening out … [Read more...] about Restaurant Customer Etiquette
Interview: Molly O’Neill
Last Friday morning, I received a call from an acquaintance, saying, “Molly O’Neill is in town; do you think you have time to interview her?” I said, I’ll make time, and in fact, will crawl with O’Neill’s New York Cookbook in my teeth for a chance to meet her.“Oh, we need to go to Powell’s and get you a new copy,” said O’Neill, seeing the spatters and stains and missing … [Read more...] about Interview: Molly O’Neill
Five Oregon Artisan Cheeses You Shouldn’t Miss
by Tami ParrNow that spring has officially arrived you’ll be seeing more and more local cheeses in stores as Oregon’s artisan cheesemakers go into full production for the year. You might even say cheese season has arrived! And with the start of the Portland Farmer’s Market (as well as others around the area) local cheese is now readily available directly from the … [Read more...] about Five Oregon Artisan Cheeses You Shouldn’t Miss
Nancy Rommelmann Visits Taste of the Nation 2006
I love last minute invitations, including the one that came yesterday via email, from Food Dude, saying he could not make the Taste of the Nation event and would I like to go? He even offered to pay. (Thanks, Dude!) And so I get myself to the Convention Center for the event, which supports the hunger-fighting group Share Our Strength and ran from six pm to nine pm, by 6:05 … [Read more...] about Nancy Rommelmann Visits Taste of the Nation 2006