Holden’s Bistro at 524 NW 14th has closed.
A notice on the door says that landlord has taken back the building, holds all possessions for nonpayment of rent.
Known for its wall of flickering candles, Holden’s was a little oasis away from the madness of the street. I’m sure it will be missed by many.
This space was once part of Olea restaurant, which despite the vast amount of money spent on the restaurant, never caught on with the critics or the public. Olea closed in 2009.
Holden’s Bistro in Portland is closing
Holden’s Bistro at 524 NW 14th has closed. Notice on the door says that landlord has taken back the building, holds all possessions for nonpayment of rent.
Joanna says
It just occurred to me that Holden’s closed the very same week that J.D. Salinger died. What are the odds of that happening?
Sadly poetic.
Ava says
Well, if it were really going to be “missed by many” it would have had the customers it needed to stay in business.
Food Dude says
Geeze, I get jumped if I say it will be missed, and jumped if I say it won’t. I should just say “Holden’s Closed” and leave the postings like that.
truthypup says
This is the internet FD, you can’t let comments dictate anything…. If you posted that kittens were cute, you would have 1000 puppy apologists jumping down your throat as well.
Food Dude says
Yeah, I was pretty much being sarcastic.
truthypup says
damnit FD, I forgot about that part of the internet.
grace says
i used to be a chef at holden’s. it definately will be missed
MJ says
Holdens was lovely, and it was a link back to the wonder that was Bima. I wept when I went to Bima and it wasn’t there any more. Sigh.