Whole Foods has announced that by 2018, all products will be labeled as such if they contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs). They are the first national grocery chain to set a deadline for full GMO transparency.
“We are putting a stake in the ground on GMO labeling to support the consumer’s right to know,” said Walter Robb, co-CEO of Whole Foods Market. “The prevalence of GMOs in the U.S. paired with nonexistent mandatory labeling makes it very difficult for retailers to source non-GMO options and for consumers to choose non-GMO products. Accordingly, we are stepping up our support of certified organic agriculture, where GMOs are not allowed, and we are working together with our supplier partners to grow our non-GMO supply chain to ensure we can continue to provide these choices in the future.”
This follows the failure of Proposition 37, the highly contentious issue on the California ballot that would have required mandatory lateling of GMO’s. Many are saying that the overwhelming amount of money poured into the no on 37 campaign by giant chemical and processed food corporations was responsible for its defeat.
Finally, a large retailed leading the way! Good for Whole Foods!
I’ve been running around working on friends sites which have been hacked, so this one has languished a bit. Take heart, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Not only that, but 4 full reviews are in the works. Expect the first in about 10 days.
Good Food For Me says
Enough? The people in the biz know this, why don’t we?